Thursday, July 23, 2009


Hopped on the scale today and I'm down another few pounds. This makes my total loss since June first a full twenty-five pounds!!!

I look at all the diets, fitness programs, books & other weight loss methods out there and while I'd never begrudge anyone for how they've lost weight, I do have to say that this HIIT/Weight training program I've adopted has worked remarkably well for me.

I've *NEVER* been one to enjoy working out. First off, I hate to sweat. HATE it. Secondly, physical activity sucks. Or at least, it did. Thirdly, I never thought I'd find junk foods unappealing. Hell, in my house, gravy was a food group!! Seriously! If it wasn't fried, smothered in gravy or ended in -etti or -aroni, I didn't want to eat it. While I still struggle food-wise (I'm a foodie, what can I say?), I am kicking ass and taking names at this workout thing.

Last week when I wasn't able to work out, I actually MISSED it! Who'd have EVER thought this fattie would miss working out?! It's true, though! I missed it. In fact, I even took workout clothes with me, I just didn't have the time to do it. And I knew I'd pay for it once I got back in the gym. I dreaded hopping on the scale but I'm pretty pleased with the fact that my metabolism kept up with me while I was off the wagon last week. And when I say "off the wagon" I truly mean OFF the mother-father wagon. I didn't exercise. I ate utter and complete junk. I even had a few Cokes (EEEK!!!) and a ton of fried foods (Beaver Nuggets, damn you!!). There was a Whataburger in there, sweet tea, potatoes & gravy, french fries, buffalo chicken....Mmm....all the stuff I love. And I'm ok with having eaten it...I just know I can't do it like that again or my 25lbs will creep back on in no time.

I know, too, that these changes to my lifestyle are a permanent thing. I have to workout. I have to eat right. I have to give up some things permanently. I have a family history of cancer, diabetes & heart disease. I refuse to cheat my family & friends of having me around because I like fried chicken or loaded down baked potatoes. I have to keep the goal in mind at all times. Don't get me wrong. I do cheat. I do take a day or two off. When I want french fries, I'll have them. (I did last night, afterall. I just didn't order the large fries...just got the small.) I just have to get back on track and stay there.

You know, in charting my progress, I see the numbers diminish, but I don't really notice it in the mirror. My pants sizes are shrinking, but again, I don't see it when I look at myself every day. But when I compare myself from May til now, I really do see a difference. Compliments from a yummy New Kid aside, I'm pretty damn stoked about this progress.

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