Friday, July 24, 2009

A couple of addendums

I *hate* running. It's painful and miserable. I really hate it.

BUT...when its broken up into 30 second intervals (even when it gets farther in your training and you're doing it 15 times during your workout), it's tolerable because it's not a CONSTANT thing. I'm not walking for five minutes and then running for a solid twenty minutes. I get a break.

And honestly, as much as I dislike running, I plug in my favorite songs (choose uplifting, fast-paced music) to my iPod and I'm listening to my motivation. My boys (NKOTB) are my motivation. My warm-up usually consists of Danny's "I Like It Like That" and Joe's "5 Bros & a Million Sisters", then I crank up the quicker paced stuff from the Block & No More Games. I cool down with "Don't Cry" and "I'll Be Loving You Forever" and I'm done.

I can do almost anything for thirty seconds. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn't seem like such a chore. And with a husband and two kids, my time at the gym is MY time. Especially with the tour winding to a close and knowing there aren't any more impromptu NKOTB Girls Weekends coming up anytime soon, I cherish this time by myself. I take the kids to the gym with me sometimes, but they know "Don't bug mom during her workout." It's MY time for concentrate on my health (as far as hubby and the kids are concerned) and it's MY time for listen to my favorite music and enter a dream world for at least 20 minutes a day.

MAKE the time for yourself...not just for your physical health, but for your mental health, too. It's *SO* vital to your overall well-being.

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