I feel the need to start this blog out with a big apology to my followers. Many of you relied on my posts to motivate you and I let you down. I'm sorry that I haven't posted much fitness-related. I'm hoping that will be changing as of now.
I stepped foot back in the gym tonight. I started my HIIT program over from the start. 5 minute warm-up, 30 second sprint, 60 second slower pace, repeated 6 times, then a 5 minute cool-down. I did really well and barely broke a sweat, but I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I will continue this stage for a week. Next week, I will do the same warm-ups and cool-downs with 30-second sprints and 30-second slower paces.
I will also be alternating my HIIT with a basic weight circuit training program. My goal here isn't to build bigger muscles, but strengthen what I have. Strengthened muscles will help burn fat more quickly. The cardio work I'm doing with HIIT combined with the weight training will help increase my metabolism.
Speaking of metabolism, I'd like to address the difference in mine. Obviously with the weight I lost from June til November, it's safe to say that my metabolism increased dramatically. I worked out on average 4 days a week for several months. I cut back in some areas of my diet, but generally speaking, I didn't go without what I wanted to eat. I may have eaten less of it, but I really didn't eliminate anything entirely. During the month of November and thus far in December, I have only gained 7lbs, which really, for someone of my size is not that much. It's a drop in the bucket. In fact, I could very easily be down those 7lbs by the end of the year. I knew having a high metabolism was good in order to lose weight, but what wasn't blatantly obvious to me was how handy that high metabolism would be when I fell off the wagon last month and it helped me basically maintain my weight for the last 6 weeks. That's pretty kickass.
So...that's where I'm at. I am gonna continue to bust my butt and hopefully by this time next year I'll be at my goal!
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