Sunday, October 18, 2009

Can we do it? YES WE CAN!

212 years ago, the first vaccine was administered. Since then, vaccines have been developed for hundreds of diseases and illnesses. They were developed with the general idea to expose our bodies to a small dose of whatever disease/illness we're wanting to ward off in an attempt for our bodies to boost their immunities to fight it naturally.

Let me repeat myself slowly so I know you've heard me.

You are being injected WITH THE DISEASE you're trying to ward off.

Are you listening?

When you are given a pertussis vaccine, you're being given WHOOPING COUGH.
When you go in for a chicken pox vaccine, you're being given CHICKEN POX.
When you get your H1N1 vaccine, you're being given H1N1.

HELLO?!?!?! Does anybody see anything WRONG with this?

Our bodies are designed to fight off disease and illness naturally. When we become ill, our bodies develop certain symptoms: coughing, sneezing, vomiting, fever, etc. Let's take a fever, for instance. If you have an aquarium, you know that you can't turn the thermostat up too high on it or what happens? The fish die, right? The same is true for our bodies. Our bodies can tell when there's something not right. It turns up its internal thermostat naturally and burns off the bad "fish" or bacteria/virus/etc. When you take a fever reducer, you're allowing those bad "fish" to not just hang out, but you're giving them optimum body temperatures to multiply, essentially making yourself sicker. Let the fever burn itself out. Trust your body to do what it needs to do.

The same is true for all this vaccine business. You may never be exposed to H1N1 (for example), but if you are exposed and you're living a healthy lifestyle (healthy in this sense meaning a balanced diet, exercise and taking the proper amounts of vitamins/supplements) and taking precautions (such as proper hand washing, encouraging children to cough into their elbow, etc), you will not get sick.

Did you hear me?

You. Will. Not. Get. Sick.

The key to staying healthy isn't in MEDICINES or VACCINATIONS, it's in taking the right steps so your body can do what its been designed to do. The more you fill it with pharmaceutical remedies, the less likely it is to do its job. Your body will turn on you.

As far as meds & vaccines go, ask yourself these questions:
1) Who has created these medicines and vaccines?
2) Who is telling you that you NEED these medicines and vaccines?
(Hint: the answers are the same.)

I'm not a doctor and you don't have to take my word for anything. I'm simply telling you what I know to be true for myself and my family. I've done the research. I've read the articles. I've experimented with medicines as well as herbal supplements. I know what works. I know what doesn't. You can believe me or not, but for God's sake, instead of just succumbing to public paranoia, do the friggin' legwork before you poison yourself or your family.

Can our bodies heal themselves?

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