Somebody just asked how to boost your immunity.
THIS is it. I use it religiously.
I've always been pretty skeptical when it comes to herbal remedies and I think we all know where I stand on medication, so for me to stand behind ImmuCore, you know I'm not blowing smoke.
My chiropractor recommended it to me a couple years ago when I'd been fighting sinus infections. He is able to kick my body back into shape through adjustments, of course, but sometimes our bodies are so reliant on outside help that they don't stay in adjustment like they should. He suggested I try this to help that.
Whenever I feel myself getting run down, sniffly, stuffed up, nauseous or any other number of symptoms, I take two ImmuCore. Typically that's enough for my body to take over and build the T-cells it needs to fight off whatever is trying to take over. If it helps a little bit, but doesn't take away the symptoms, I'll take another one an hour later. If, by then, I'm not feeling better, I schedule an appointment with my chiro and have him adjust me. These steps always take care of the problem.
I'm amazed at how well this product works for me and my family. Because of ImmuCore and my chiropractor, I don't even have a regular medical doctor anymore. Ironically, I'm healthier for it!
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